Dear beloved familia,
As we continue to get updates from various news sources about the devastation of the fires all around our city, it is increasingly difficult to understand all that has happened and is happening. In the past 24 hours, we have become aware of those in our church community who have been severely affected and displaced by the Eaton Canyon Fire in Altadena, some of which have lost their homes. Our leadership met this morning with heavy hearts and tears, crying out to the Lord on behalf of all that we, our church, and our city are holding. We also spent time discerning our first step of advocacy for those affected in our church community, in addition to the next steps.
Emergency Relief Form
As a first step towards relief for those affected by the Eaton Canyon and surrounding fires in L.A., we have created this form to acquire and access the needs of our church community. Our goal is to meet the most essential needs around food, water, shelter and clothing, especially for those who have had severe loss. However, this is also for anyone in need during this crisis.
Step 1: We’re sending out this form for people to fill out who are in need, and fill out each section where needs apply.
Step 2: Our leadership team will start to itemize these needs and discern the best method of support.
Step 3: As an act of communal care, we will be collaborating with those who have joined our Emergency Support Group to meet some of these needs. We have people not directly affected by the fire ready and willing to mobilize on behalf of others.
Emergency Support Group
Yesterday, our pastoral team created a ChurchCenter App group named “Emergency Support Group” in order to check-in on each other’s status and offer prayers and tangible support. We have already had 48 people join and continue to get updates from those in our community. We will be developing pathways of support throughout this crisis alongside and with one another.
If you would like to opt-in to this group, you should do the following:
- Download the ChurchCenter App (Apple / Android) create an account and look for The Church We Hope For.
- Join the Emergency Support Group as a closed group for privacy.
- Once you join, we will all be able to send updates as well as create group text threads so that we can check-in and know how to support each other.
This Sunday
There will not be a Sunday Worship service this Sunday. The neighborhood where our church gathers is severely affected and the status of the Eaton Fire is not yet contained. However, our leaders are thinking through ways in which we can offer support to those in need. We are hoping to mobilize regional support in Monrovia and Glendale for people to get some of the needs identified in the next few days.
We will update you through the Emergency Support Group. Please consider joining if you are in need of support or if you are available to help give support.
Beyond Sunday
Without knowing the future, we know two things, God is with us and we are with each other. With both, we can do hard things. That being said, we have lots of friends and leaders from afar reaching out and asking how they can support. We are so grateful for there prayers and will continue to discern ways in which they can support us.
In addition to that, we are asking anyone who reaches out asking for ways they can support our church to consider giving financial support as we build a Disaster Relief Fund. If you would also like to contribute to this, please visit the GIVE page on our website and make an online donation. Select Community Partnerships. For the foreseeable future, any contributions to the Community Partnerships will be used for disaster relief. If you give through Zelle, please add “Disaster Relief” in the note section along with your email address for your receipt.
Federal Fire Disaster Assistance
Congress Woman Judy Chu (California-28) just announced a Federal Fire Disaster Assistance for Residents & businesses in evacuation zones. You can apply NOW for relief at disasterassistance.gov.
This includes:
🔺 Temporary displacement assistance (e.g., hotel costs for 2 weeks)
🔺 $770 for essential personal items
🔺 Large grants for needs like medical bills & car repairs
As we walk this road of ruin together, may we continue to be the church we hope for with and for one another.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Mondo