Weekly Updates December 3, 2023

Advent Series

The season of Advent is here. And this Sunday, Pastora Inés will shepherd us into our new series, Seeds of Advent: the Slow Growth of Future Promise. We’ll be looking back at the book of Ruth as we see seeds of hope being planted that would one day – many generations later – sprout forth through the birth of Christ.

In this Advent season, we are also connecting with the other two churches we share the building with at Casa Grande – Pasadena Mennonite Church and Conexión Pasadena – to see if a shared service or a shared meal of some sort could happen this month. So please join us in praying through these possibilities!

Please remember that Christmas Eve Sunday (December 24) is a Sabbath Sunday. And we’ll close the 2023 year with our annual Hello/Goodbye Zoom Living Room service, online at 10:30 AM (yes! morning!) on Sunday, December 31st. It will be a time to contemplatively reflect on the year that was while wholeheartedly looking ahead to one that will be.

OC United & Snuggle Day

Just a reminder to purchase gifts this week for Snuggle Day. You can do so here at the Snuggle Day Amazon Wish List Alicia has created. And if you’re aiming to bring gifts in person, this coming Sunday (12/3) is the deadline to do so!

A second deadline coming up is gifts for the OC United Christmas Store. Caleb and his team have put together an OC United Amazon Wish List here. The deadline to receive these gifts (please check shipping & handling times) is December 10th. So join us in supporting these two endeavors we so deeply love!

Beloved, you are seen and loved. And we look forward to being together again this Sunday!


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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