Weekly Updates July 11, 2023

We’re so surrounded by words. New books to read, new Threads to engage with, and new posts to share. Words in the news feed, words to email back, words to pray each day.

This past Sunday was such a sweet reminder that sometimes we’re invited to rest from our words…and still worship our God, even without words. This wordless song we hummed together is still stirring in my soul. And what’s more, so is the deeper reality that even when we’re without words, The Story of the Spirit is a God who groans on our behalf, even when we have nothing left to say. This week, may you trust in that truth of a Spirit who is praying for us, even wordlessly, no matter where we’re at.

Summer Picnic!

This Saturday is our Second Annual Friends & Familia Summer Picnic! We’ll be meeting up at Brookside Park in Pasadena (near the Rose Bowl) from 11am-1pm. We’ll be behind the baseball fields and tennis courts to the left of Pirate Park. You can be on the lookout for our church signs and balloons as well!

Bring a blanket or chair, bring your lunch, a game to share, and bring a friend looking for familia time. We’d love you to Register/RSVP at the link here! Please note that it will be hot on Saturday so the church will supply water and popsicles.

And just to hear the heart of gatherings like this one more time: please know the hope is simply to slow down, connect, converse, play, and enjoy being with one another! We need these moments in the midst of everything else! And we’re so looking forward to seeing you!

Greenline Housing Event!

This past Sunday, Rochelle shared with us about a fundraiser event the Greenline Housing Foundation is having on Sunday, August 20th. If you’re unfamiliar with Greenline, they are a local non-profit “reversing the effects of redlining and housing discrimination by providing down payment grants, financial education, and home maintenance assistance to qualified people of color to help restore justice – as God intended it, one home at a time.”

As a church, we would like to come alongside Greenline and offer support in the planning of this fundraising event and on the day of the event. We are assembling a team to help with marketing and publicity, graphic design, hosting, and general planning. If you are interested in volunteering and lending your talents to this important event, please reach out to Rochelle Miles at relithe@yahoo.com.

Re-Imagining Worship Together

Thank you to those who have filled out our Survey for the Calvin Grant Initiative! Our Collaboration Team would love to hear from more of you so keep them coming! Please take a minute to add your voice to this collaborative conversation of new creation for this next year as we step into the common lectionary from our margins. We believe the Spirit is moving in and through this good and holy work. And we are eager and excited to be in this all together!

Fill our Calvin Grant survey


So thankful for all the ways our God is inviting us to slow down, connect, and participate in meaningful moments and movements of healing and restoration. And as always, Beloved, so thankful for you.

With love,


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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