Last week Nicola Patton gave us a grounding and centering message from Acts 2 about a community of the Spirit where belonging is central to all the curious, the doubtful, the seeking, the joyful, and one that welcomes all bodies into the wild journey of following the Spirit into the life of Jesus.
I continue to pray that Jesus would remain strong, steadfast, and central as the one thing we all have in common in this familia! As we continue this summer in our Who We Are series to remember our vision and values, may it be refreshing for all who return here and inviting for all who are visiting here!
Meal Train for the Butchers
We are happy to let you all know that Nick and Kate Butcher are back from their 2-month intensive in Chicago! By God’s grace, the prayers and support of friends and family, the medical team, and Nick’s incredible perseverance, it is a miracle to see that our beloved friend is making huge strides in his physical rehabilitation! As the community of Acts 2 did, we would love to invite you to provide a meal (or meal gift card!) to the Butchers as they adjust to life back home. Please continue to pray for Nick’s body as he engages PT/OT therapists for his spinal injury.
Their Meal Train can be accessed here.
Food & Fellowship Summer Break
We will NOT be having Food and Fellowship Sundays during our summer months (June, July, August). Historically this has been a season where we slow things down and catch our collective breath before the full swing of September gets things moving fast again. That said, we always encourage our people to slow down, share tables, and spread the love. Because we know food is such a conduit of so many good things, especially relationships.
Familia, love you all more than you know! I pray this summer will be one where you are reclaiming your joy, enjoying the sun, staying in the light of community, and having defiant hope for what God is doing in and through you!
Con amor,