Weekly Updates May 26, 2023

No church service this Sunday

On the last day of creation, God created the last space and filled it with rest. Even God’s self saw the need for space to commune with God’s self and nature. Our church’s communal rhythms of rest have become a regular spiritual practice as we imitate our Creator and an act of resistance against grind culture. So: a gentle reminder that we will not gather this upcoming Sunday, May 28th. Enjoy a communal Sabbath Sunday instead!

We invite you to seek shalom however the Spirit may lead you as we continue to practice communal rhythms of rest. May the story of the Spirit working in and through you always invite rest and restoration so you can catch God’s breath and your breath, alone or with others!

Next worship service will be on Sunday, June 4

The next time we gather will be Sunday, June 4 and we will have the Rev. Bert Newton as a guest preacher. Pastor Bert represents Making Housing and Communities Happen which is one of our Community Partners in the work of housing justice. He will preach on a theology of land and housing justice and invite us to engage in several calls to action.

Last but not least…

Racial Justice Class

Today Friday, May 26 is the last day for this important small group!

Racial Justice has been a pivotal pursuit and pillar of this church since Day 1. One of the vital ways our leadership has been formed over the years has been through attending and leading racial justice workshops in various communities all across the country. And so, familia, we are excited to share with you that this summer we will have an opportunity to be led by members of our own Beloved Community in an online Racial Justice Class! Our sisters and friends, Sarah Dornbos and Sarah Obermeyer, alongside one of our Board Members and brothers, Phil Allen, Jr., will be collaboratively hosting a Six Week Class on Racial Justice!

Class Description: The class is called Intro to Racial Justice and will be held for five Thursdays beginning in June from 6:30-8:30 pm California time (PST) and wrapping up Wed., July 5th from 6:30-8:30.

Some topics we will explore through a biblical framework will be Implicit Bias, Microaggressions, Racial Trauma and Whiteness. Our time together will be split between teaching and time to process together in facilitated small groups. This class will be on Zoom which makes it possible for people in different parts of the country and world to join us.

If you’re interested, register here by Friday, May 26th as we will be sending some content for you to engage with before the class. And if you have any questions, you can reach Sarah Obermeyer here.

Bobby and I will be attending this class. And we’ll also step in a couple of times to share in the teaching as well. I look forward to continuing to grow and be stretched in this ever-critical conversation!

May this find you rooted and grounded in the soil of God’s unconditional love for you. I pray you will feel delighted in, treasured, and cherished by Mother God until we see each other again.

Gracia y paz,


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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