Weekly Updates April 26, 2024

I hope you have taken the time to commune with Creator and with nature by hugging a tree or breathing under one as Salena instructed us last Sunday! I pray that the seeds she planted and watered would bear fruit of kindness, connection with God, and compassion to yourself and that it will bear a harvest of healing in your life! This Sunday Pastor Bobby will be preaching as we continue in our Eastertide sermon series, and he will bring a word about Moses!

We have a few Shalom and Justice Team opportunities available for you to engage in the work of restorative justice as well as joy invitations as we go about doing life together!

Women’s Nite in May: Save the Date!

Please come to Belle and Nicole’s house on Saturday, May 11, 7-9pm, for a chill night with other lovely women for our 2nd Annual Women’s Night! Please bring a snack or drink to share. Remember not to wear your heels because their backyard is uneven, and their dog Winnie will be at the party! Let us know you are coming by filling out the RSVP on the Church Center App. The address and more info will be sent to you after you RSVP.

For the People LA – Day of Service

On May 4th, we are partnering with For the People LA to prepare and serve a special meal to our sisters and brothers who make their homes on Skid Row. We’ll spend most of the day in Sierra Madre cooking for the 100 people we hope to serve, and then, in late afternoon we’ll bring the food to 7th and Gladys where we’ll set up on the sidewalk and welcome folks to the table. Please sign up by filling in your info in this spreadsheet for as many shifts as you are able. You can choose to serve in 2-hour shifts or the whole day. It will be a great day of service with our familia! Email Maren with any questions at marenjo10@gmail.com.

Greenline Housing Foundation

Greenline is seeking volunteers to serve on an application review committee. In its mission to restore equity and justice in housing, Greenline provides down payment grants, home maintenance grants, and financial education to qualified people of color.

This volunteer opportunity would involve a quarterly commitment of approximately 20 hours. The volunteer would serve an integral role in the review of applications and financial information, as well as in the grant decision-making process. The volunteer should have experience in the real estate industry as an agent or as a mortgage professional.

If you are interested in this opportunity or know of someone whom you would recommend to serve, we would love to hear from you! Please email Rochelle Miles at rochelle@greenlinehousing.org.

Small Group Book Study

Meleca Consultado started facilitating an 8-week book study at 6:30 PM that meets on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at Sarah O and Sarah D’s home in Sunland. The group is open to anyone! Please join them as they discuss Efrem Smith and Dan Kreiss’s book Church for Everyone: Building Multi-Inclusive Community for Emerging Generations. You may find more info and sign up for this community group via our Church Center app here.

We’re Hiring!

We’re officially pursuing a Director of Children and Youth Ministries! It’s a part-time role and you can read all about it here as well as apply for the job. We’re asking our familia to pass this along to anyone you might see fit to jump in the journey with us! The application has been opened to more public-facing spaces and will close the application by April 30.

Familia, may the power of the resurrected Christ be in you and upon you for God is making all things new in this Eastertide!

gracia y paz,


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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