One of the most meaningful moments in my week takes place each Sunday with a rotating small group of folks who circle up in the sanctuary at around 3:45 PM. Anyone who’s signed up to volunteer that day joins in – and anyone else who happens to be around at that point is always welcome, too. And then and there, we take time to stop and slow down, to listen to one another and lean in and pray together, however the Spirit leads.
I love seeing our faces around that circle, and I treasure hearing the stories of how and why each person is serving in the areas we all are. And each Sunday, I leave that small but significant time humbled by the presence of our people that truly make this The Church We Hope For.
Serving Opportunities
I want to invite you into that circle. It is an intentionally “round space”, where equity and oneness abound. And it’s also an intentionally “porous space”, where all are welcome to join and give voice and agency to the movement of God among us.
Familia, we have continually expansive pathways for our people to serve. And we would love for you to see what arrests your attention and feels like the spark of the Spirit for you to jump in and join us! You can look through the opportunities here and sign up as well: Volunteer Team sign-up form. And as our dear sister, Stacia, so sweetly and vulnerably shared on Sunday, you can always serve at your own space. Start small and then see where you feel led going forward. One faith step at a time.
Ladies Night!
Ladies, please save the date for a Women’s Night at the home of Belle & Nicole on Saturday, May 13, 6:30-9:30, for a casual evening of hanging out together and good food! The “goal” is to create a gigantic charcuterie table to gather around and enjoy. Please bring an item to add to the table and a beverage of choice. Weather permitting, we will spend the bulk of the time outside. Please feel free to come anytime after 6:30 pm. We look forward to getting to spend time with you.
So thankful for you, familia! I hope you have a restful weekend. And that the Spirit who writes Resurrection stories writes New Life in and among you here and now. Right where you are.