Weekly Updates April 12, 2024

I can still picture the collective word cloud that we all created as we paused last Sunday and reflected on Jesus’ words “Peace be with you” and the disciples’ response to his living scars.

Word cloud from April 8 worship service
I love to continue to hear resurrection road stories like Meleca’s last week, which reminded us that the “power of Christ comes to meet us on the road, in our rituals, and at our tables.” I pray that our feet would slow down and our eyes be attentive to the resurrection happening within us and all around.

This upcoming Sunday we have the honor of hearing John Williams, Executive Director of The Center for Restorative Justice, speak to us about the work of The Center and how our church familia can engage in different opportunities. We also will hear separately from Maren Schneider as she invites us to a day of service on May 4 with the ministry For the People LA on Skid Row.

Update on Nick Butcher

During our Easter Sunday service, our dear sister, Kate Butcher, let us know her husband, Nick, had just had an accident diving off a pier while on vacation with his family in Hawaii. Nick was paralyzed at the time and was being airlifted to Honolulu. This week Kate and Nick moved to Chicago for two months to rehabilitate at a spine rehab center. Please be praying for the Butcher family. Their boys will stay with family in California while Nick and Kate are away for rehabilitation. If you would like to contribute to their ongoing needs, a GoFundMe has been established to provide financial assistance to the family.

Small Group Book Study

Last week, Meleca Consultado started facilitating an 8-week book study at 6:30 PM that meets on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at Sarah O and Sarah D’s home in Sunland. The group is open to anyone!

Please join them as they discuss Efrem Smith and Dan Kreiss’s book Church for Everyone: Building Multi-Inclusive Community for Emerging Generations. You may find more info and sign up for this community group via our Church Center app here.

We’re Hiring!

We’re officially pursuing a Director of Children and Youth Ministries! It’s a part-time role and you can read all about it here as well as apply for the job. We’re asking our familia to pass this along to anyone you might see fit to jump in the journey with us! We’re first keeping this application open to our own network within our familia until April 15th. After that point, we’ll consider opening the application process to more public-facing spaces.

Familia, may the power of the resurrection find its way in your daily, ordinary life and surprise you around the corner!


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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