It is hard to believe that not only is April already upon us, but also Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday! 2023 has been a hazy but beautiful blur of days – so many rainy ones with sunshine solely sprayed and sprinkled here and there, like flickers of light amidst all the clouds.
That’s what this church familia often feels like to me. For to see your faces is to see the face of our living and loving God, radiantly reflecting goodness and glory back to one another. I’ve seen that so many times throughout this Lenten season, as we have been slowly sitting with what it means to be Holy and Whole in so many ways. And I’m so grateful for all the ways our church familia has embodied these tried and trusted Truths.
Over the past couple of months, we have been working hard to put together a guide for Holy Week that will give us – both individually and communally – prompts for each day of the week. We are sharing that guide here in digital form. And we will have printed copies available this Sunday at the Welcome Table. We have great hope that each of these moments will be movements toward learning to love God, neighbor, and self in more tangible ways – all along the way.
One important note: after our Easter service on Sunday, April 9th, we will be having The Taco Guy Catering come again and make tacos for us! If you were here for our Anniversary Sunday last year, you know how delicious those were! We wanted to do something special for our familia as we respond to the resurrection and celebrate together! There will be corn tortillas and vegetarian options. We invite you to bring picnic blankets and/or camp chairs for an Easter picnic on the lawn! Please RSVP here by Tuesday so we can plan food accordingly.
Until then, we’ll be anticipating seeing you this Palm Sunday as Pastora Inés brings us a Word and we collectively invite one another to be ready for the Presence (1 Thess 5:23-24).
With hope,