Weekly Updates March 15, 2024


Last week during the welcome I shared a bit about expanding the table of leadership as we envision what God has for us this year! At the beginning of each year, Pastor Bobby and I have historically reflected on the past year and sought the Spirit’s guidance for the year ahead. We invited our Sunday ministry team leaders to that table a few weeks ago to continue building camaraderie and vision together. One thing I shared was this: Did you know since January 2020 we have *planted* 5 churches since our beginning? House church → Zoom church → Hybrid church → In-person church at Missiongathering → Migration to Casa Grande.

Fam, the only constant has been change! We have been living in survival mode and have constantly had to pivot. I’m grateful that we are now in a place of rest where we can grow roots and move from “survival to sustainability” which is my vision for this year. We are looking ahead and writing ministry goals to deepen our roots and draw healthy rhythms that sustain our church familia! I would love to invite your prayers and if God leads you, your participation as we re-imagine how to continue cultivating community, connection, and justice on Sundays and outside of Sundays!

Holy Week – Save the Dates in March

As we continue in our series of Bread and Body, we would like to invite you to some Holy Week activities that our leaders have been carefully curating. Some of these are opportunities to collaborate with our sister churches as well! We will begin Holy Week by setting a special and expansive table the day before Palm Sunday to integrate Lent + Ramadan as an act of solidarity with our Palestinian local familia. What a way to enter with our bodies as we stand with other bodies in defiant hope! May we see the mystery of Messiah Jesus through every moment you can engage.

Saturday, March 23rd, 6-8:30 PM

Pasadena Mennonite Church is hosting an “Aid Not Bombs” Fundraiser Event with other local churches like ours included. The aim is to raise money to help families in Gaza relocate to Egypt safe from the violent terror they are enduring. We will engage in a brief educational time about Gaza, break fast with our Palestinian Muslim siblings, practice inter-faith prayer, and break bread together in mutual love, compassion, and care.

RSVP here to attend (suggested donation $20 adults, $10 kids) or sign up to volunteer. If you cannot attend but would like to financially contribute, the RSVP link has instructions on how you can safely donate via PMC. Our church has joyfully committed to giving from our Shalom & Justice community partnership fund to help cover the costs of the catered meal. Please do not let finances keep you from attending, let Pastora Inés know if you need assistance with the suggested donation.

Sunday, March 24th, Palm Sunday service, 4 PM

All 3 churches within Casa Grande during our normal gathering time. We will offer children’s ministries as normal. Please warmly welcome our guests into our familia and scoot over a bit in the pew to make room for all!

Good Friday Observance, March 29, 6-7 PM

Join us for a contemplative liturgy of sight, sound, and solidarity as we center a table of remembrance and regard the cross of Christ.

Last but not least, this upcoming Sunday you won’t want to miss our very own Sandy Schaupp (straight out of her sabbatical!) as she preaches and deposits a very lived word about heaven in this season of Lent. I hope to see you there!

Gracia y paz,



Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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