Weekly Updates March 7, 2024

This past Sunday, Pastora Inés led us to the abundance of the Lord’s (outdoor) Table(s), where over 15,000 gathered to communally share from the simple offering of five loaves of bread and two fish. Within the framework of our Lenten series, “Bread & Body: Preparing the Lord’s Table for Grief-Filled Joy”, she invited us to consider what our “5 and 2” are as we look within ourselves and upon our own communities. It was a word worthy of tasting all over again. If you’d like to check it out, you watch it on the TCWHF’s YouTube channel.

As we connect as a community both within the foundation of our own familia and outside the porous walls of our church, here are several opportunities to continue following the life, love, and justice of Jesus:

Supporting Our Familia

  • The Cheung Family welcomed baby Matthew Koo Yul (구율) into the world on March 2nd at 11:49 AM. All are doing well! And if you’d like to offer a meal to the household, you may sign up for their meal train at this MealTrain link!
  • Over this past month, Doug Schaupp first lost his mother. And shortly thereafter, his father as well. He and Sandy and their kids are all carrying such grief in this season, even as they are doing so with such grace. Doug is co-officiating the memorial service for his parents this Saturday, March 9 at 1 PM. And he would like our familia to know: any and all are welcome to attend via this Zoom link. The passcode is 992496.

Save the Dates in March

  • This Sunday, March 10th, marks Daylight Saving Time. This is when we “Spring Forward”…which sounds kinda exciting. But it actually means we lose an hour of sleep! We’ll still see you at 4 PM on Sunday. It will just feel like 3 PM!
  • On Saturday, March 23rd from 6-8:30 PM, Pasadena Mennonite Church is hosting an “Aid Not Bombs” Fundraiser Event. The aim is to raise money to help families in Gaza relocate somewhere safe from the violent terror they are enduring. This will also be an opportunity for us to come alongside our local Palestinian and Muslim siblings and break bread together in mutual love, compassion, and care. The RSVP link will be available soon.
  • On Sunday, March 24th, we will be hosting all three churches within Casa Grande for a shared Palm Sunday Service during our normal 4:00 PM Sunday time. We will offer children’s ministries as normal.

Are You A Spiritual Director?

Please let us know! We are looking to develop a listing of Directors in the church network, for support and connection. Need a space for your spiritual direction sessions? There is a beautiful, sacred space for 1-on-1 sessions available for use in Monrovia that we’d like to offer to Spiritual Directors and their Directees.

In addition, Deborah Smith, a spiritual director and local pastor at Mountainside Communion, and Sara Critchfield are forming a Spiritual Director peer supervision group that will meet monthly. If you are interested in these opportunities, please contact Sara at sdesign.sara@gmail.com or 626-841-6630 talk/text.

Thank you, Beloved, for the beauty and joy with which you carry our community. It is an honor to share these tables with you. And we look forward to all God has for us in this season.

With so much love,


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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