Weekly Updates March 1, 2024

Lenten Series

This Sunday we’ll be intentionally moving directly into the Lenten Season in our series: “Bread & Body: Setting the Lord’s Table For Grief-Filled Joy”. Pastora Inés will be preaching on the tables Jesus sets. It’s going to be a beautiful, bountiful Sunday and a meaning-full March. And we are so looking forward to the tables Jesus sets for our familia this month.

Food & Fellowship

Speaking of, this Sunday will be a First Sunday Food & Fellowship time! For those of you newer to our flow, Meleca Consultado curates these spaces and we aim to eat together after the service at a local restaurant on the first Sunday of every month. It’s a great opportunity to connect in community with one another. This week we’ll be heading back to Blossom Market Hall in San Gabriel. There’s a variety of vendors there and they’re always accommodating! Come join us!

Affordable Housing Good News!

Just over a month ago, our dear friend, Bert Newton, spoke to our church about an initiative to repurpose Pasadena public school sites that are no longer being used into affordable housing for the community. 36 people from our church committed to writing emails to the PUSD Board. And just this morning, we heard some good news from Bert:

“After three special school board meetings this month totaling 12 hours (including a 2-hour tour of the Roosevelt site and 2 HHP housing sites), the PUSD board decided to move forward with staff housing at the Roosevelt site! Furthermore, the board seemed fairly united in pursuing PUSD family housing as a next step after staff housing! It was looking bleak a couple of weeks ago, but your emails helped turn things around!”

Familia, writing an email may seem like such a small thing in the midst of following the life, love, and justice of Jesus in our community. But our small steps made a BIG impact on our city! Thank you so much to all who labored in love to see this pivotal action come to life!

Community Groups

Lastly, community groups are gathering outside of Sundays in this season in our church. If you’re interested in checking one of these out, please download the Church Center app to see more. Or if you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact me directly at bobby@thechurchwehopefor.com and I’ll help in any way I can!

With so much love,


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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