Weekly Updates January 26, 2024

This past Sunday was one of those sweet, special ones. The kind where nothing loud or extravagant happened. But instead, we were simply met by the goodness of genuine community. I’m still so thankful for the word our dear sister, Nicola, preached. And I’ve been holding onto a few of her memorable lines all week: “I wanted to love people without needing people,” “When I’ve looked the hardest for God, that’s when I’ve seen God in the face of another,” and “We lose our humanity when we lose sight of community.”

Alongside Nicola’s word, I’m sitting as well with the brave testimonios and honest reflections our people offered throughout the service — the stories of joy and hardship we’re called to carry together. May we be reminded once again we’re not meant to go it alone. So, at whatever measure and pace you’re able to access, we invite you to continue to join us in this journey. The Church We Hope For is a beloved community where none of us try to do it on our own. But instead, together we seek to live into the fullness of doing life as una familia.

Volunteer Needs

It has been a sweet gift to see our people sign up in new areas of serving on Sundays. There are still several needs to be filled: particularly in all our ages and stages of kids ministries: from birth to graduation.

There is a ton of flexibility to fill these roles. For example, you may only have one week each month you’re able to offer. But that one week may be exactly what’s needed to help a team flourish more fully.

If you want to join us in any of these, or others, please follow the link here to see all of the roles and reach out regarding the next steps.

Fuller Conversation on Grief

On Wednesday, January 31st at 4pm, Pastora Inés will participate in a “Suppertime Conversation” with members of the Fuller Seminary community on “Grief, Healing, and Humanity.” This event will be both in person and online. For those able to make it to the Pasadena campus, there will be a shared meal alongside a Q&A session with those gathered. There is more information, including RSVP details, here at Fuller’s site. We warmly welcome you to join if you’re able.

Beloved, may Light and Love ease their way into your life this week. In such tangible graces that you can’t help but gently pray right back, “Thank you, God. Thank you.”

So thankful for all of you.


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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