Weekly Updates January 5, 2024

This Sunday

As we ease into the New Year, we’ll gather again In Person this Sunday at our normal service time, 4pm. We’re so looking forward to being together and hearing (and holding) how this holiday season has been for everyone. I hope and pray you have found some rest along the way, and that joy has snuck up on you from the most unexpected (and lovely) of places.

Shared Sunday Service

Looking ahead to January 14th, we’ll be coming together as three churches under one roof! Pasadena Mennonite Church will host us and Conexión Pasadena in the upstairs Fellowship Hall at 10:30am. We will not be having our normal Sunday service that day but will only join in this shared morning service.

As leadership between our three churches met in anticipation of this time together, we leaned into the intentionality of our three diverse familias coming together on MLK Sunday. And in that spirit, we landed on the theme of Beloved Community. We’ll focus on Jesus’ call for oneness (diversity + unity) in John 17 and we’ll get to hear from each church about how the Spirit is enacting and embodying this call in our comunidads.

During the service, we will still have our normal kids’ ministry offerings alongside the youth of PMC and Conexión. And after the service, we’ll all share snacks together and get a chance to connect among our Casa Grande neighbors and friends.


  • Jan 7th – normal in-person Sunday service at 4pm
  • Jan 14th – shared service in the Fellowship Hall at 10:30am

Familia, we love you so much. And thank our God for the gift of you! What a blessing it is to do life together as one!


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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