Weekly Update November 18, 2022


The leaves are turning in some of the streets in and around Pasadena! The beauty of light and dashing colors reminds me of the dancing Holy Spirit moving through our lives to invite us into joy. I have had much joy as I have visited several of our small group communities and witnessed the conversations and connections that the Spirit is fostering among us! Life and light, just like the fall leaves dancing in the sun.

As we begin to turn our hearts towards Advent and the holiday season, this also can be a hard time for many in our communities. So we gently invite you into the following opportunities to gather with others to know them and be known. Grab a dish and join the Friendsgiving potluck this Saturday, grab your tennis shoes and join Jenn and Serena on a hike before church this Sunday, or wear your fave soccer jersey if you’re a soccer fan for our world cup viewing party! Whatever you do, we invite you to do life together with your church familia at any of the following events!


One of the beautiful things about Familia is that we can have both biological and chosen ones. Whether you have family in the area or are far from those you might normally gather with, we’d love to have you join us at the table! This coming Saturday, November 19, 4:00pm in the lobby at Missiongathering. If you would like to jump in, meet new people and visit, please go to the sign-up page that shows you what you could bring– or just bring yourself, there will be plenty of food!

Familia Hike

Our next Familia Hike will be this Sunday, November 20th from Noon-2:00pm. We’ll be hiking at Ernest E. Debs Regional Park. If you’ve never been there, it’s less than 2 miles with an initial steep incline. But a pretty view at the top! It’s family and dog friendly! Bring a picnic for yourself for after! The walk is short enough and not dusty. However, if you live in the area and are able to offer your home as a changing spot for the commutes, please let us know. RSVP here 

World Cup

The World Cup is finally here and Serena Smith and Nash McBryde are coordinating the first viewing party! If you’re a soccer fan or just want to come and share the global experience with some of our church familia, we invite you to join us on Sunday, November 27, 10:30am to 1:30pm for the Spain Vs. Germany match at the Schaupp’s Home in Eagle Rock. We invite you to bring a potluck dish to share. Space is limited to 20 participants so please RSVP here to sign up!

May you be rooted and grounded in the soil of God’s undying love for you,

Gracia y paz,

Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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