Weekly Update September 8, 2023

We have a great, big month ahead of us, full of events and opportunities! And we are excited about all the memories soon to be made and ways we’ll experience the Spirit moving among us! Here’s a snapshot of where we’re headed so you can be sure you’re well in the know on all the things!

September Overview

Saturday, 9/9: Concert in the Park

We’re invited to Charles Farnsworth Park in Altadena for an evening of music starting at 6:30pm! Look for Becca’s chair with a balloon on it!

Sunday, 9/10: Latinx Sunday at TCWHF

We’re kicking off Hispanic Heritage Month with our Latinx Sunday at TCHWF! It will be a beautifully collaborative service with so many wonderful elements! You won’t want to miss it!

Sunday, 9/17: Open House at New Church Building

We’ll first meet at Missiongathering at 4pm. And then at 4:15, whoever wants to walk four blocks up the street with us to the new building can join! And whoever wants to drive can meet us there! We’ll all aim to arrive at 1041 N. Altadena Dr. around 4:30. In lieu of service that day, we’ll take time to see the new space. And then gather up there to share and pray about how we sense the Spirit is moving. We’ll also provide more extensive info on this in next week’s email.

Saturday, 9/23: Racial Solidarity 5K

Hosted by our board member, Phil Allen, Jr., founder of the Racial Solidarity Project. You can still register for the 5K here.

Sunday, 9/24: Anniversary Sunday

TCWHF is turning three! Come celebrate our birthday, familia! And also, this will be our last official Sunday at Missiongathering. So we’re making sure this is a special day to honor our transition as well.

Updates on Events

  • Greenline Housing Foundation had to postpone their fundraiser until Sunday, September 17th. The leadership team is still looking for help in several areas for this event. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Rochelle Miles at relithe@yahoo.com.
  • Last week we shared about a Popsicles in the Park event for our Single Parents group this coming Sunday, September 10th. Because of the heatwave coming through the area this weekend, that event is being canceled to keep our kiddos safe! If you’re still interested in being a part of the group, you can email Sara Marsh at sara@thechurchwehopefor.com.

So looking forward to walking this month out together as una familia! Have a great weekend, friends! And see you Sunday!


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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