Weekly Update August 24, 2023

Building Update

After a whirlwind of an adventure, we have good news to share today! Pastora Inés and I met with the pastoral leadership of Conexión Pasadena this morning. And they officially gave us the green light to come on board as renters! We may use the Fellowship Hall during our normal afternoon time. And Pasadena Mennonite Church will continue to use that same space on Sunday mornings.

Fellowship hall at Conexión Pasadena

Our next steps:

  1. Schedule a meeting for the leadership of these three churches (TCWHF, Conexión, & PMC) to connect and discuss logistics and establish expectations as we pursue sharing space going forward. We are already greatly encouraged by the spirit of collaboration and the generous hospitality that has welcomed us.
  2. Set a time for our church familia to come and see the building. To walk through the rooms, listen together to how we sense the Spirit moving, and spend some time in prayer. We want to prepare our bodies as we say Goodbye to a space that has held our story and Hello to a new space for stories to come!
  3. Prepare for a move! We’re imagining a day where we can invite anyone who’s able to come and help haul our items from one building to the next.
  4. Hopefully — Lord willing — hold our first service in the new space on the first Sunday in October!

Thank you, Beloved, for all the love, support, and solidarity you have each offered in this journey. It has been a wild ride for sure. But we are deeply hopeful that God is doing something special in all this. And there’s no one we’d rather be on this rollercoaster with than you!

Beach Day and Bonfire

Any and all are invited to join us at Dockweiler Beach this coming Saturday! We’ll have a team there set up by 9:30 AM and we’ll be staying until 10 PM. We’ll be reserving two separate fire pits (one for our MS/HS students and one for everyone else). And we’ll also be bringing skewers and supplies for s’mores!

All the main details can be found here on our church calendar! Give it a read-over so you’re well prepared. And you might even want to bookmark the link so you have all the information right at your fingertips!

Racial Solidarity 5K

Join us for the 4th Annual Solidarity Race 5K Run/Walk hosted by the Racial Solidarity Project on Saturday, September 23rd at 8 AM. You can find more info and also register at thersp.org/solidarityrace2023. This has been such a fun and meaningful event our church has partnered with over the years! And honestly, I can’t recommend it enough. It’s also a great thing to invite a friend to!

Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday! Our own Nicola Patton will be concluding our series on The Story of the Spirit. And we believe God has a Word for us that will be spoken through our sister. Be praying for her as she continues to prepare this week. And show up Sunday ready to worship, fam!


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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