Weekly Update July 29, 2022

Dear familia,

We can’t wait to see you all this upcoming Sunday! As we continue being moved by the Spirit, God moves us towards each other in food and fellowship, as well as in outward expressions of our internal faith!

Here are a few exciting things we’d love to share with you in the life of our community.

First Sunday Food & Fellowship

Next week, Sunday, August 7th is our next monthly First Sunday Food & Fellowship dinner together. After our normal 4 PM Sunday service, we’ll head out for dinner together at a restaurant in Pasadena and Meleca Consultado will be leading this time. Come and join us! Any and all are welcome! If you would like to join Meleca in helping curate these monthly spaces, she would love a co-leader to do so! Please email Meleca and let her know you want to join in the fun!

Familia & Friends Picnic

Save the Date for Saturday, August 13 for an easy-breezy, bring your own picnic lunch if anyone is available to hang out at a nearby park that day! Bring a snack lunch, bring a game to share, and bring a friend looking for familia time. More details to come later!

Baptisms and Baby Dedications!

As we shared last week, on Sunday, August 14 we’ll be having both Baptisms and Baby Dedications! We’re still smiling from the last Baptism Service in June and we want to ensure we continue to offer opportunities to others who wish to step into those living waters as well! If that’s you or someone close to you, please reach out to us and let us know! We’d love to walk with you through that journey! And secondly, we will also be having our first ever Baby Dedications as a church! This is an opportunity for parents and guardians to commit to raising up their child with the love of Christ while asking for God’s blessing upon their lives. It’s also a time for us as a church familia to declare that no family goes it alone! We’re in it together and we’ll commit to standing alongside parents and guardians and their kids to love and disciple them in community with one another! It’s going to be a beautiful moment for all of us!

If you’re interested in having your baby or young child dedicated, or even just have more questions about what that all means, don’t hesitate to connect with me or Pastor Bobby!

Familia, in looking at these elements, I see the love, life, and justice of Jesus on full display through our worship, witness, and life together! May we hear the invitation to be moved by the Spirit closer to God, to each other, and to the work that God is already doing in our communities.

You are so loved!

gracia y paz,


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