Weekly Update July 23, 2022

Dear familia,

I am still so grateful for our time together last Sunday. It was so beautiful to look around the room and see our people gathered in small groups, deep-diving into the Scriptures as we were “Moved by the Spirit”! As we head into this Sunday, we will get to hear from Pastora Inés as she continues our series through the book of Acts. I want to ask that you continue to pray for her and Rob and their son, Nash, in the loss of Rob’s father, Bob “Cotton” McBryde. Their family is carrying such heavy hearts at this time. And we want to surround them with love and compassion as fully as we can.

We are called to mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice. This is the stuff of life. And it’s a tension we seem to hold so beautifully as a church. With that in mind, I want to turn our hearts towards something that gives me such hope!

Go ahead and put Sunday, August 14 on the calendar, fam! Because on that day, we’ll be having both Baptisms and Baby Dedications! And. We. Can’t. Wait!!!

On that Sunday, we will have our next Baptism service! We’re still smiling from the last one in June and we want to make sure we continue to offer opportunities to others who want to step into those living waters as well! If that’s you or someone close to you, please reach out to us and let us know! We’d love to walk with you through that journey!

Secondly, we will also have our first ever Baby Dedications as a church! This is an opportunity for parents and guardians to commit to raising up their child with the love of Christ while asking for God’s blessing upon their lives. It’s also a time for us as a church familia to declare that no family goes it alone! We’re in it together and we’ll commit to standing alongside parents and guardians and their kids to love and disciple them in community with one another! It’s going to be a beautiful moment for all of us!

If you’re interested in having your baby or young child dedicated, or even just have more questions about what that all means, don’t hesitate to connect with me or Pastora Inés!

I hope this week has been good to you and that you’ve experienced God’s grace in such tangible ways! Looking forward to seeing you Sunday!

With such love,


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