Weekly Update June 30, 2023

Building Update

Beloved, we just received word this afternoon that we will no longer be able to stay in our building as tenants. We have been told by Mike Hernandez, the current facilities manager, that the new church buyer will give us “time to find another location”, but we have not been directly notified as to what that exactly means. Brian, who is the representative of Living Way Community Church, is going to reach out to us himself. We are seeking more clarity as best as we can. As of now, we are also looking into other location options. And we will keep you, our dear familia, notified as tangible possibilities emerge.

As we hold this news together, I want to offer two brief invitations to us in this moment:

  1. For those who have grown to love this space not just as a building, but also as an extension of who we are as a church body, give yourself time to grieve. Physical space holds memories from all of our shared moments. And this sanctuary has offered a home for our communal safety and belonging to grow in worship and love. My heart today hurts with the knowledge that our days there together are numbered. And before I gather myself from this grief, I first must give myself to this grief. I invite you to the same.
  2. Call out to God in prayer and song, writing and reflecting. Let your heart be heard. And the desires and dreams you may have for us related to a physical space – give those to God with faithfulness and conviction. This church started on Zoom screens. And The Story of the Spirit among us has been one of provision and care, even at the most intimate of levels. So don’t believe for one minute that God doesn’t want to hear and hold our hearts, especially now.

I am so grateful for each of you and for all the ways we have rooted ourselves in this house of God. I am trusting, even in today’s ripe sorrow, that God has not left us nor forsaken us. And that the Lord is preparing a table for us, even now.

Re-Imagining Worship Together

Thank you to those who have filled out our Survey for the Calvin Grant Initiative! Our Collaboration Team would love to hear from more of you so keep them coming! Please take a minute to add your voice to this collaborative conversation of new creation for this next year as we step into the common lectionary from our margins. We believe the Spirit is moving in and through this good and holy work. And we are eager and excited to be in this all together!

Fill our Calvin Grant survey


Summer Picnic!

You’re invited to come and join us for our Second Annual Friends and Familia Summer Picnic on Saturday, July 15, 2023, from 11am-1pm. We’ll meet at Brookside Park in Pasadena (near the Rose Bowl).

If you would like to help by making our picnic playlist, or leading a game or activity (i.e. face painting) contact Serena (hospitality@thechurchwehopefor.com). Otherwise, bring a blanket or chair, bring a lunch, a game to share, and bring a friend looking for familia time. And we’d love to you have Register/RSVP at the link here! Thank you!

We love you, familia. And we can’t wait to hug one another this Sunday. Lord knows we all may need one!


P.S. As we’re leaning into summer rhythms of rest, there will be no officially planned First Sunday Food & Fellowship for either July or August. Though we still encourage our people to grab meals and share tables together!


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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