Weekly Update June 24, 2022

Dear familia,

Here are three things we’d love to share with you in the life of our community:

First, in this season as a church, we will be journeying through the book of Acts together. In line with our vision statement, we are calling this series, “Moved by the Spirit”. We believe we have much to receive from this book and its great witness of our border-crossing God and boundary-breaking Spirit. Join us this Sunday as Pastora Inés leads us through Acts 2:42-47, one of the most pivotal passages for us as a Spirit-led church familia.

Second, we have been so blown away by how powerful and meaningful it has been to read through the Sermon on the Mount in the First Nations Version. Sandy and Doug Schaupp have led us so beautifully, and this Indigenous translation of the Scriptures has opened our ears anew to hear these divine words in captivating, compelling, and convicting ways. Please join us the following two Wednesdays (June 29 & July 6) at 7 PM online as we finish this time together. You can RSVP using this form. A Zoom link will be shared after doing so.

Lastly, this Sunday we’ll get to hear from our own, Sarah Obermeyer, about her experience this past year with the New Life Church School of Formation. Led by pastor Rich Villodas, author of “The Deeply Formed Life”, this nine-month cohort is a transformative journey through developing spiritual practices and holistic care in areas of life that are deeply deserving of communal reflection: Contemplative Rhythms, Interior Examination, Racial Justice & Reconciliation, Sexual Wholeness, and Missional Presence. Sarah O. – alongside Sarah Dornbos – is aiming to co-lead an L.A.-based cohort through this formative work. If this piques your interest, let us know and we’ll get you more information!

Just looking at these three pieces in this email encourages me greatly. These are the kinds of things we want our church to be about! And to see steps like these coming to life is evidence enough that the Spirit truly is moving among us!

See you soon, fam!


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