Weekly Update June 23, 2023

There’s so much heaviness in what we’re all called to carry – whether in the work of justice or in the everyday ordinary of our very real lives. And as a church familia, even one that always, unapologetically advocates for HOPE, we take care to intentionally honor the hardship each step of the way in each one of our stories. But as we’ve continually been reminded over and again this past year especially, we must always celebrate the JOY of the good things in our midst, too! And so it’s with great delight that I invite you to simply click this link and look at the good news that awaits you on the other side!

Man…I was so tempted to pull an old-fashioned Rickroll there. But the Holy Spirit is working Self Control in my life. So I resisted the urge! 😉 But did you see it?! Our dear sister, Glendar Haskin, asked our Beloved Community to come together and support her upcoming trip to Africa. And would you look at that, y’all! Her support is already above her needs! We did it! How awesome is that?! A mother in our midst who has never been able to travel to Africa will be heading out this summer with our full support. And yet another realization that God is always able! Thank you, familia! I’m blown away and blessed to be in this contigo!

A New Grant for Worship & Arts

This month we introduced you to our Collaboration Team as we received a $17,000 grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship for this next year! Our goal is: to co-create spaces in our community to center the margins, our collective spiritualities, and cultural expressions of all kinds and encourage them to flourish within the framework of the common lectionary.

We need your help forming teams that create expressions of worship that capture art, poetry, images, rituals, and themes from within our church familia. Please contact Nicola Patton as she will be the Program Director working with our awesome Collaboration Team formed by: Eleanor Baylon, Salena Scott, Joel Yoshonis, Mondo Scott, and our pastors.

This week, we want to draw your attention to a survey we’re putting together to hear from you about how we might continue to reimagine worship as a faith body. Please take a minute to add your voice to this collaborative conversation of new creation. We believe the Spirit is moving in and through this good and holy work. And we are eager and excited to be in this all together!

Fill our Calvin Grant survey

Summer Picnic!

You’re invited to come and join us for our Second Annual Friends and Familia Summer Picnic on Saturday, July 15, 2023, from 11am-1pm. We will be meeting at a local Pasadena park (TBD). If you would like to help by making our picnic playlist, or leading a game or activity (i.e. face painting) contact Serena (hospitality@thechurchwehopefor.com). Otherwise, bring a blanket or chair, bring a lunch, a game to share, and bring a friend looking for familia time.

With joy!


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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