Mindy Melgar is an educator who holds a Special Education credential and currently coaches high school math teachers at four schools in South Los Angeles. She graduated from Wheaton College and got her Education Masters and clear credential at Loyola Marymount University and CSU Dominguez Hills, respectively. She and Elias form a family of four with Alex, a high schooler, and Amelie, an elementary schooler.
Mindy has been tutoring since she was in 2nd grade, and leading small groups in church since high school. She volunteered as a Sunday school teacher throughout college at Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church and immediately sought out opportunities to hang out with kids in a church setting upon moving to Los Angeles. She spends most Sundays wishing she could use a time-turner to experience Younger People’s Church and Under Construction (MS/HS group), AND hear the sermon, but she hasn’t yet found a verified seller on eBay. Until she does, she will divide the month between your littles and your middles.
Mindy is grateful for the opportunity to learn from the youth. She envisions an inclusive Sunday School space in which all young people feel safe, loved, and free to explore God’s truths in ways that are most meaningful to them.