Amy Harrison

Amy leads our elementary-aged kids ministry called Younger People’s Church. She is a storyteller and adventurer, a curator of wonder, and cultivator of imagination. In her ministry with kids, she aims to embody equal parts Mr. Rogers and Mary Poppins. Amy has always been fascinated by the stars and in love with anything green nature has to offer.

She is a mother of three amazing kids and a wife to her best friend, Bobby Harrison. Amy holds a degree in Human Development and Psychological Services from Northwestern University. Over the years she has worked in Early Childhood Development with preschoolers as well as Graphic Design and Communication in local churches. She is now an Account Manager at Weaver & Associates Insurance in Arcadia.

Amy’s always looking for a great book to read, a good vanilla latte to sip on, and a wonder-full stroll through a canopy of trees. And one of her favorite things in the world is sharing any of those experiences with a friend.