Spiritual Practices

I knew a pastor in Nicaragua whose church met under a plantain tree for one year. He had no building yet began building community under the shade of a tree. We have not a tree, but God has provided shelter through the radical generosity of our friends’ home and living room where we can live into this dream.

Our house gathering Sunday night was sweet, rich, raw, joyful! We are living into the community of Acts 1 by engaging spiritual practices that shape the character of Christ in us:


In table fellowship.


Thank you, @dea.jenkins for using art as witness and inviting us to see that hope was already in the room.


Thank you, @rosacandi for being a Kingdom partner in these early days and leading us in bilingual worship because we worship a border-crossing God.


Our Pastor Bobby brought John 13: Jesus washing disciples feet as an act of God’s love going before us, being poured out on us, and (the hardest) being received by us.


The Lord’s table was led by Amy and Jasmine. @amyismyname invited us to come as we are because nothing separates us from God’s love. We’re invited to the table to trade our heart of stone with one of flesh.


We gave thanks for having collected 10 gift cards to support our neighbors via the Immigration Resource Center @ircsgv.

We won’t be able to stop humming: Give us a vision of Your love, let us fall in love with you again!

Breaking break around the table of fellowship

Sweet moments during communion

Sweet moments during communion

Sweet moments during communion

Ines prays to close out the evening

Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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