Soul Care: Restorative Rest

Familia, we encourage you to engage these soul rhythms to care for your mind, body and soul. We have all undergone collective grief and trauma over a sustained period of time, not least of which was a violent, insurrectionist and terroristic event nationally. Our bodies keep the score and in fact may be triggered by past trauma and tragedy. Listen to your bodies. Enter into restorative rest rhythms to sustain you in the long run.

Below you will find Pastor Bobby’s recent framework of Restorative Rest through four stepping stones that we have contextualized for the current troubled season.

Step 1: Recover

  • Boundaries: with social media and news intake
  • Body Scan: Where does it hurt? Be attentive to your stress, anxiety, pain
  • Sacred Journaling: Name significant events and name associated emotions
  • Sit still / Be Still / Be
  • Take a Nap! Naps are holy!

Step 2: Rest

  • Breathe intentionally for
  • 5 mins
  • Sit in silence in the sun for
  • 5 mins
  • Take a 15 minute walk or hike outside
  • Sleep, drink plenty of water, eat
  • Pray breath prayers: I am beloved / Jesus come close, draw near / I can breathe (or make your own one-sentence)

Step 3: Revelation

  • Sit with Jesus-Centered Stories, Encounters and Words
  • Jesus and his mother Mary: empty water jars (John 2:1-12)
  • Jesus and Bartimaeus: What do you want me to do for you? (Mark 10:46-51)
  • Jesus and Samaritan woman at Well: A Jesus who thirsts (John 4)
  • Jesus and paralytic at Bethesda: Do you want to be made well? (John 5:1-15)

Step 4: Restoration

  • Watch an encouraging documentary or movie
  • Practice grounding rituals: catch a sunset, light candles, tea/coffee/fave drink
  • Eat comfort food that reminds you of home
  • Find community where you are celebrated not tolerated
  • Play: game night, throw/kick a ball, frisbee

May these spiritual disciplines of rest draw you to be present to God, present to yourself and present to each other. May you come to Jesus who carries both our burdens and our bodies, and is particularly aware that different bodies bear different burdens. Yet Jesus says to all of us, “Come to me you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.

As Pastor Bobby says: “A restored you reveals a restorative Christ to the world.

If you need to speak to a pastor, please find use the Get In Touch form to reach out to us. We’d love to carry whatever you’re carrying with you. We’re in this together, juntos y juntas. We love you familia and you are not alone.

much love,

Pastora Inés y Pastor Bobby

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