The Power of We


  1. Reply
    Glendar Haskin says:

    Great team preaching. I am so glad to see you and Bobby co-pastoring while being married to another 👏🏽. That says volumes for equality! Loved the “Power of We”. Inés, praise God that He saved you for such a time as this! In the 80’s when I preached my trial sermon, it was before a bunch of male preachers who sat with their arms folded ( a first for me and most of them to hear a woman exposit the Word of God). Even when I enrolled in the MDiv program at Bethel College in South Bend, I was the only Black and only female in a class of bearded White men (most of whom didn’t engage me). However, God had another plan for me and I have been blessed to have had an opportunity to serve Him in advancing His kingdom. Now I know how Simeon must have felt that day when he saw Jesus. I, too, am elated to see God’s justice and equality in a church. God is no respecter of persons. He uses women as he does men. If He opens the mouth of a donkey to speak, how much more will he do with a woman who is created in His image and likeness to speak and open the eyes of those who are blind. I am committed to praying for your ministry and family regularly. God bless and keep you.

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