In this message Pastor Manny Arteaga leads us through a look at Acts 1:8, the moment Jesus sent a group of Galileans into Jerusalem, a people known for their hostility towards Galileans. It serves as a reminder that being a witness may require us to enter spaces that are not hospitable, but we must do […]
Acts 10:1-44 – The story of Peter and Cornelius tells us the story of what the Spirit is doing and how the Spirit is on the move. It is only by the Spirit’s prompting and purposeful invitation that both men move towards each other, crossing ethno-racial lines that otherwise would have kept them apart due […]
Pastora Inés and Pastor Bobby walk through the journey of how we created our church’s vision statement. After several months of meeting together, this vision statement came about as Spirit-infused and community-informed, encapsulating the essence of a Jesus-centered mission. We walk through the critical stepping stones of what each word means to our church familia. […]
In this message, Pastor Bobby has us look at how boldly the psalmist prays in Psalm 143. And how this is the spiritual heritage we inherit from the Saints who’ve gone before us over the centuries. We can talk freely like this to God because God wants to hear and hold our whole hearts.
Pastora Inés preaches from Psalm 139:1-17. She studies the anatomy of this psalm by looking at the verbs of God that show us the strength of God in contrast to the location of the psalter that shows the reach of God. Even though the word love is not mentioned in the psalm, the love of […]
In this reflection, Pastora Inés and Pastor Bobby co-lead us through a look back at the stories of Jesus that have shaped us through our journey in John’s account of the Gospel.
In this message, we look at Peter’s path to redemption after denying Jesus three times. Through Jesus’ love, we see Peter embraced and reconciled back to God in a way that demonstrates God’s heart for us as well.
Pastor Bobby leads us through a look at John 19 as Jesus is laid in the tomb by Joseph and Nicodemus. We find an invitation for God to take the broken things in our life and make something beautiful.
Pastor Jennifer Botzet shares from Jeremiah 29:1-7 and considers what God is encouraging his people to do: to labor in the fullness of their present lives even though it is a temporary space for them as a people. Likewise as a young church being planted we all have been called back here to this laboring […]