
 June 2, 2024 | Nicola Patton | Acts 2:41-47 NRSV After Pentecost comes ordinary life in community among the believers. And within that community, we find unity that celebrates diversity. The differences among believers are not prerequisites for belonging but unique aspects that contribute to the beloved community. The group had everything in common […]

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The Spirit’s Christ-Centering Power

 May 19, 2024 | Janette Hur Ok | Acts 2:1-13; 1 Corinthians 12:12, 21-26 Diversity is both a gift and a challenge because embracing difference is incredibly difficult. We need the continual presence and power of the Spirit to unify our diversity. The Spirit’s Christ-centering power empowers us to divest ourselves again and again […]

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The Truth of Community

 January 21, 2024 | Nicola Patton | Psalm 133 It’s easy to get caught up in doing so much church that we forget about community. But God cares more about community than about church. We have been created in and for community by a communal God. It is part of our human nature to […]

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Shared Sunday Service

 January 15, 2024 | Shared Sunday Service We came together as three churches under one roof! Pasadena Mennonite Church hosted The Church We Hope For and Conexión Pasadena during their morning service. In honoring and celebrating MLK Sunday, we focused on the theme of the Beloved Community and Jesus’ call for oneness (diversity + […]

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