March 26, 2023 | Sarah Dornbos & Inés Velásquez-McBryde | 2 Thess. 5:23-24, Mark 12:30-31 In this message, we’re reminded that spiritual transformation is an ongoing process that involves our bodies, spirits, and souls (not just our minds)! Spiritual Direction is one resource mentioned to help us sustain a faith that is both Holy […]

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Honest Transformation

December 18, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | 2 Corinthians 3:16-18, Luke 1-2 On the last Sunday of Advent, we looked at snapshots of three characters in the Christmas story: Zechariah, the Shepherds, and Mary. And we did so through the lens of that which is veiled in their lives before their encounter with God. And […]

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Faith That Is Grieving

March 13, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Genesis 22:1-14 We look at the story of God’s call to Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. And we consider this story as a way to consider our own faith stories of Construction, Deconstruction, and Reconstruction.

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