September 24, 2023 | TCWHF’s 3rd Anniversary Sunday As we celebrate our 3-year church anniversary, our community shares honestly, vulnerably and joyfully what this place has meant to them as a faith community. We also celebrate that it’s our last day at this Missiongathering church building where we made our first in-person home since […]
July 9, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | Romans 8:22-27 In this sermon, we look at lament and grief. And all the ways it comes to fruition in our lives. But as we continue in our series, The Story of the Spirit, we realize that the Holy Spirit is not just our comforter in times […]
April 30, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | Zechariah 1-8 In this sermon, we lean into the Spirit’s writing through the prophet, Zechariah. And we imagine a world without walls — a vision of humanity where all that has historically divided has now been cast aside in the name of coming together in Spirit-shaped oneness.
April 9, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | John 20:1-18 In this Easter sermon, we followed the footsteps of Mary Magdalene as she bravely stayed at the tomb, even as others had fled. We also took note of Mary’s courage in looking into the tomb and we’re invited to look into the tombs of our […]
January 15, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | Matthew 2:22-36 As we continue in our Rhythms of Justice series, we look at Peter’s “desperate” prayer in Matthew 14. And in so doing, we allow ourselves to be inspired to cry out to God in our desperate places just as Peter did to Jesus.
October 16, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Acts 10 The Spirit moves Peter toward Cornelius, and Cornelius toward Peter. And in this mutual, Spirit-moved moment, God draws together Jew and Gentile, breaking down barriers that have long divided. What might the Spirit be moving in you to live into a more expansive, inclusive life?
October 9, 2022 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde & Bobby Harrison | Acts 9 In this sermon, we look at two vignettes in Acts 9. And in so doing, we find disciples of Jesus showing us glimpses of the Kingdom among us. We are called to the hard and holy work of advocacy by the witness of […]
July 31, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Acts 7 In this sermon, we look at Stephen’s response to the religious leaders. And we follow the thread of Stephen highlighting how God works in the every day and the ordinary. May this give us hope that every moment has the capability of being a God moment.
July 17, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Acts 5:17-21 In this message, we’re reminded that we’ve been moved by the Spirit toward liberation! We’re a people set free! And in our freedom, we’re called to pursue life! Both for ourselves and for those in our communities.
June 5, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Acts 2, Acts 1, Joel 2-3 On Pentecost Sunday, we center in on Acts 2. And we look at not only the Holy Spirit flame, but we also take a step back to see how the disciples prepared for the fire to come. We then turned to the […]