A Beloved Community

 June 23, 2024 | Bobby Harrison We begin a new series focused on our Vision as a church, starting with “We are a Beloved Community.” Hear how we’ve embodied this truth over the years and aim to continue to live into it with the triune love of God as our center.

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A Communal Sermon on Luke 15

 February 4, 2024 | Bobby Harrison | Luke 15 In this online service, we took time to re-read together the story of the prodigal sons in Luke 15. And through the lenses of social locations and cultural backgrounds, we gave ourselves the gift of reimagining this story in such beautiful, collaborative ways. The reflections […]

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Wilderness People

 January 7, 2023 | Bobby Harrison In this sermon, we look at wilderness seasons and stories throughout the Scriptures, from cover to cover. And we see our own stories, and receive a deeper understanding that so much of life is found in “wilderness seasons”. What we then are called to ask, is how God […]

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Believing Our Belovedness

 August 13, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | Luke 3:21-22 In this sermon, we look at the /Spirit’s involvement in Jesus’ baptism. And the Belovedness that is spoken over him in that moment. And we do so as a recognition that this same Belovedness has been gifted to us as well.

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A World Without Walls

 April 30, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | Zechariah 1-8 In this sermon, we lean into the Spirit’s writing through the prophet, Zechariah. And we imagine a world without walls — a vision of humanity where all that has historically divided has now been cast aside in the name of coming together in Spirit-shaped oneness.

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Remarkably Ordinary Resurrections

 April 16, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | John 20-21, Luke 24 Jesus’ post-Resurrection life is filled with such simple but profoundly meaningful moments of reconnecting and reconciling with those closest to him. Let’s look at three vignettes of these sacred stories together. And then remember and recall the resurrection stories the Spirit is writing […]

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Expand the House

October 16, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Acts 10 The Spirit moves Peter toward Cornelius, and Cornelius toward Peter. And in this mutual, Spirit-moved moment, God draws together Jew and Gentile, breaking down barriers that have long divided. What might the Spirit be moving in you to live into a more expansive, inclusive life?

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Legacy of Grace

August 7, 2022 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Acts 7:54-60 We arrive at the end of Stephen’s life but not the end of his legacy. We find the Trinity, God, Son, and Spirit bearing witness to Stephen’s grace. Each member of the Trinity knows their place in life. God in heaven. Jesus standing at God’s right […]

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Grace is a greater power

July 24, 2022 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Acts 6:8-15 In the story of Stephen, he is described as someone full of grace and power. As we see Stephen courageously stand on trial, in the steps of Jesus, we see that grace is a sign and a greater power, as he faces the powers of this […]

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