Empty Water Jars

Mary inaugurates the Kingdom and ushers in the first miracle performed by Jesus at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Jesus turns the water into wine. Have you ever noticed what comes before the wine and the water? Emptiness. Emptiness is a pre-requisite for the miracle.

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Preparing the Way for Jesus

In this message, we look at John the Baptist as one who prepares the way for Jesus to come. And we do so by also looking at how the Old Testament book of Isaiah shaped John’s understanding for just who this Jesus would truly be.

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Verbo Among Us

On Sunday morning we began our new sermon series: Among Us: Jesus thru the Gospel of John. In this next season, we will learn to imitate the life, love and justice of Jesus. As we enter into this time of hope and healing, both in our personal and communal lives, we center Jesus who came […]

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