June 18, 2023 | Phil Allen, Jr. | Luke 4:18 The experience of the enslaved who were actually free in Texas long before 1865 (what we now celebrate as Juneteenth), like the experience of the Israelites in the wilderness who were set free from Egypt, become metaphors for a liberating God who remembers us […]

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Shake the Dust

November 13, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Acts 13:50-51 We are called to live in between the dust in this life—for dust is where we are from and where are headed. But dust that has been thrown our way in this world is not the life we’ve been promised by God. So in this message, […]

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Free People

July 17, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Acts 5:17-21 In this message, we’re reminded that we’ve been moved by the Spirit toward liberation! We’re a people set free! And in our freedom, we’re called to pursue life! Both for ourselves and for those in our communities.

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