Holiness as Nearness

 July 14, 2024 | Bobby Harrison | Matthew 14 As we look at the life of Jesus, we see a God who draws near. And it’s the eyes of Christ, filled with compassion, that moves Jesus first toward us. May we be moved, as he was moved, to be the eyes of Christ to […]

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A King Who Cries

 March 24, 2024 | Bobby Harrison | Mark 11 In our bilingual Palm Sunday service, we reimagined the biblical narrative of Jesus riding in on a donkey through the eyes of a little girl and her family. May this immersive, imaginative tale bring new eyes and ears to a familiar pillar of our Easter […]

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We’re Here For Our Blessing

February 13, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Genesis 12:1-3 We look at God’s promise to Abram in Genesis 12:1-3. And we see God promise to bless “todas las familias” on earth through it. In this sermon, we come to God as people inheriting this promise, seeking shalom in our world today.

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