Holiness as Nearness

 July 14, 2024 | Bobby Harrison | Matthew 14 As we look at the life of Jesus, we see a God who draws near. And it’s the eyes of Christ, filled with compassion, that moves Jesus first toward us. May we be moved, as he was moved, to be the eyes of Christ to […]

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Divine Desire & The Ethiopian Eunich

August 28, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Acts 8:26-39 For over 2,000 years, historians and theologians have tried to place The Ethiopian Eunuch of Acts 8 into a million little boxes. But if we’re faithful to listen, we’ll learn that this man actually embodies a myriad of undefinable ambiguities. So what are we to make […]

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How NOT to See the Resurrection

May 8, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Matthew 27 & 28 In this message, we look at the guards at the tomb as they attempt to prevent the miracle of resurrection. We ask ourselves how we do this as well in our day. What are the walls we build when we choose not to experience […]

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