
 June 2, 2024 | Nicola Patton | Acts 2:41-47 NRSV After Pentecost comes ordinary life in community among the believers. And within that community, we find unity that celebrates diversity. The differences among believers are not prerequisites for belonging but unique aspects that contribute to the beloved community. The group had everything in common […]

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Love is Solidarity

June 26, 2022 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Acts 2:42-47 The community of the early church engaged in communal practices of belonging and living into this new reality of Jew and Gentile doing life and faith together. In this seminal passage we find that love is belonging, love is a verb and love is solidarity. In light […]

Continue reading In our church familia, we intentionally elevate the voices of our Asian Pacific American familia as central and their stories as authoritative. During this service, storytelling is an act of worship and an act of liberation. Listen to our siblings: Kenneth Chang, John Chan, Camille Hernandez, and Mary Ellen Azada share about the joys, […]

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