Divine Desire & The Ethiopian Eunich

August 28, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Acts 8:26-39 For over 2,000 years, historians and theologians have tried to place The Ethiopian Eunuch of Acts 8 into a million little boxes. But if we’re faithful to listen, we’ll learn that this man actually embodies a myriad of undefinable ambiguities. So what are we to make […]

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Remember Your Baptism

June 12, 2022 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Matt. 3:13-17 (FNV and NASB) As we celebrate our church’s first baptism service, we are invited to remember our own baptism. In Jesus’ baptism, we see the power of remembrance and the grace of God’s belovedness bestowed on Jesus for his work. Remember your belovedness for in it […]

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