Faith & Mental Health Panel

 March 19, 2023 | Bobby Harrison, Eleanor Baylan, Rocio Kang, & Jed Meyers | Matthew 11:28-30 In this panel, we listen and learn from three mental health practitioners in our local church and community. We leaned into Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11 as our framework. And we talked about the importance of fully integrating […]

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Holy and Whole: Be My Peace

 March 5, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 In this sermon, we look to Jesus as our source of peace, while naming the human reality of anxiety in our lives. The hope is that Jesus becomes our center as we seek a peace of mind. While also being compassionate to ourselves in […]

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Re-Wilding Joy

February 19, 2023 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Phil. 4:4-7 NRSV Joy is such a wild and elusive word that the Apostle Paul invites us not once, but twice to rejoice! He writes from the prison of his own house arrest in Rome and yet has the audacity to call us to rejoice, to not be […]

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