Will The Bleeding Ever Stop?

 October 15, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | Mark 5:25-29 In this sermon, we look at the woman in Mark 5 who has been bleeding for 12 years. And we let her story lead us to look at an even more ancient shared suffering of blood between Israelis and Palestinians. While asking Jesus to end […]

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Faithed Forward

 October 1, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | Matthew 1-2 We look at the story of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus as they are forced to migrate over 1,200 miles over the course of three years. And in their perilous journey, we find glimpses of our stories of movement. All the while reflecting on how God’s […]

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 September 24, 2023 | TCWHF’s 3rd Anniversary Sunday As we celebrate our 3-year church anniversary, our community shares honestly, vulnerably and joyfully what this place has meant to them as a faith community. We also celebrate that it’s our last day at this Missiongathering church building where we made our first in-person home since […]

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Being and Becoming

September 10, 2023 | Armando David Canchola Scott | Isaiah 11:1-9 This Sunday was the beginning of a season where our church familia began to center and celebrate Latinx Heritage Month. In honor of that, Armando David Canchola Scott explored Isaiah 11:1-9, where the poet prophets give audacious vision of hope and peace; and how […]

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The Sound of Silence

 August 27, 2023 | Nicola Patton | 1 Kings 19:1-15 We won’t always be dazzled by the Spirit. Much of our lives are spent in mundane, even wilderness places. But the Spirit meets us in all those places and moments, creating space for us to be quiet and reflect. It’s in that silence we […]

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Believing Our Belovedness

 August 13, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | Luke 3:21-22 In this sermon, we look at the /Spirit’s involvement in Jesus’ baptism. And the Belovedness that is spoken over him in that moment. And we do so as a recognition that this same Belovedness has been gifted to us as well.

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 August 6, 2023 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | 1 Cor. 12:4-14 (NRSV) Paul reminds the Corinthian believers that God has dispensed power from above for them to live the resurrected life. This same Spirit grants individual spiritual gifts that are meant for the common good and to edify the body. Lastly, this power is power […]

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Listening as an Act of Worship

 July 30, 2023 In this service, we do not have a sermon. Instead, we embody the listening practices engaged in the month of July and have a communal time of reflection beginning with the lighting of Palo Santo until Communion. The stories are the sermon as we engage with art, wordless worship, palo santo, […]

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What Jesus Smells Like

 July 23, 2023 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | 2 Cor. 2:14-17 Christ is sufficient and the Spirit is supreme to make us competent to fulfill our calling. In Christ, we are empowered to be the aroma of Christ and sometimes, well, Jesus smells like a mango empanada.

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