January 15, 2024 | Shared Sunday Service We came together as three churches under one roof! Pasadena Mennonite Church hosted The Church We Hope For and Conexión Pasadena during their morning service. In honoring and celebrating MLK Sunday, we focused on the theme of the Beloved Community and Jesus’ call for oneness (diversity + […]
January 7, 2023 | Bobby Harrison In this sermon, we look at wilderness seasons and stories throughout the Scriptures, from cover to cover. And we see our own stories, and receive a deeper understanding that so much of life is found in “wilderness seasons”. What we then are called to ask, is how God […]
December 31, 2023 | Elizabeth Hogsten To close out the year we held our annual Hello/Goodbye Zoom Living Room service. We gathered once again in our Zoom living room instead of an in-person service, and our dear sister, Elizabeth Hogsten led us in a time of contemplatively reflecting on the year that was while wholeheartedly […]
December 17, 2023 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Ruth 4:11-12 → Luke 1:46-55 Mother Ruth secures the steps and seeds of the Messiah and we hear echoes of her hope in Mary’s Magnificat. Our very own Nicola Patton re-writes Mary’s Magnificat in Ruth’s voice. We linger in Mary’s words. She speaks from her soul. She […]
December 10, 2023 | Bobby Harrison | Ruth 1, 4 In this sermon, we look at the story of Naomi in the book of Ruth. And from this matriarch of the faith, we find space for blessing to be birthed even in bitterness. Asking God to do just the same in us and our […]
December 3, 2023 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Ruth 2:8-12 NRSV In Ruth 2, we observe that the steps of Ruth plant the seeds of the Messiah and prepare the way for the Messiah. Mother Ruth, a foreign Moabite woman steps into the field of prophetic promise where God has been cultivating a path of shalom […]
November 19, 2023 | Armando David Scott-Canchola | Matthew 14:13-12, 15:12-39 In recognition of Native American Heritage Month, we chose to honor the land we occupy by delving into its history and acknowledging its original indigenous inhabitants. Among our community, Armando David Scott-Canchola centered the ancestral lineage of his maternal Chumash Native heritage. Through […]
November 12, 2023 | Bobby Harrsion | John 11:33-44 As Jesus makes his way to the stone-cold tomb where Lazarus is sealed shut, we’re invited to see the “tomb seasons” in our own lives. The spaces and places where we find ourselves in lament and loss. And where we ultimately long for God to comfort […]
November 5, 2023 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Ruth 1:16-18 Migration is a means of God’s love and God’s company. In the story of Comadre Ruth and Naomi, we see the embodied hesed love of God in the friendship vows that Ruth makes to Naomi in times of crisis and duress. Comadre Ruth did not know […]
October 22, 2023 | Camille Hernandez | Judges 4:17-22 As we continue to witness the atrocity of war, retaliation, and genocide let us turn our eyes to the actions of Jael who teaches us how to boldly go where God leads and end conflict. This is a sermon that is meant to meet this […]