In light of the recent national racial trauma and violence against our black brothers and sisters, we led a time of lament to enter into the sacred space of protesting before our Creator and in community together. We decry the dehumanizing and atrocious lynching of our beloved brother #GeorgeFloyd who bears the image of God. […]
Pastora Inés guest preaches for La Fuente Ministries for their April 5, 2020 online service.
It was a privilege and joy for us to be with Mountainside Communion today, and to be invited to preach in their sermon series on Fruit of the Spirit: Love Revisited. We focused on the trinitarian shape of love embodied through covenant relationship with one another. The kind of love that’s empowered by the Spirit […]
Inés Velásquez-McBryde and Bobby Harrison preached together from 1 Samuel 1-3 at the Mosaic Church of Central Arkansas in Little Rock, AR.
Castle Bluff 2010 – The Lost, Stolen, and Burned Ring from Rob McBryde on Vimeo. This video demonstrates the very beginning of ministry partnership between Inés and Bobby. In October 2010 Bobby invited Inés to share her faith journey with 120+ middle school students at Castle Bluff during Fellowship Student Ministries’ fall camp.