Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus for burial in John 12. But her anointing is an extravagant, worshipful offering as well. One that reminds us to bring all we have to Christ our king.
Teaching from 1 Kings 18:23-39 Pastor Gail Song Bantum shows us that Elijah was a human being like us, yet he was desperate and gritty as he called out to God, “Answer me, oh God!” He drenches the altar with water three times in faith because he knew God begins at impossible.
Pastora Inés walks us through John 5:1-15 and the story of the healing at the pool. 5 One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to […]
Inés and Bobby co-preach on John 4: Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well. This transformational moment invites us to worship God together, across all lines that divide.
A redemptive look at our bodies and souls through the eyes of God’s love for us.
Mary inaugurates the Kingdom and ushers in the first miracle performed by Jesus at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Jesus turns the water into wine. Have you ever noticed what comes before the wine and the water? Emptiness. Emptiness is a pre-requisite for the miracle.
In this message, we look at John the Baptist as one who prepares the way for Jesus to come. And we do so by also looking at how the Old Testament book of Isaiah shaped John’s understanding for just who this Jesus would truly be.
On Sunday morning we began our new sermon series: Among Us: Jesus thru the Gospel of John. In this next season, we will learn to imitate the life, love and justice of Jesus. As we enter into this time of hope and healing, both in our personal and communal lives, we center Jesus who came […]
We spent the morning reflecting on the last several weeks as we close the series Becoming the Beloved Community.
Pastor Mary Ellen Azada closes out the sermon series Becoming the Beloved Community by considering how we enact justice, coming from a place of centeredness in Christ and in relationship with one another.