April 3, 2022 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Genesis 38:1-30 Tucked in between the pages of Joseph as he is sold into slavery and heads to Egypt, is the one-page story of a mother of our faith. Tamar has often been misunderstood and misinterpreted under a patriarchal lens that depicts her as a whore. However, hers […]

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The Burdens and Dreams of Joseph

March 27, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Genesis 37, 43 In this message, we look at the familiar story of Joseph in Genesis 37. But we do so by identifying the deep burdens he carried for his family and his community. And in so doing, we invite ourselves to ask what burdens and dreams we […]

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Wisdom Walks With A Limp

March 20, 2022 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Genesis 32:24-31 Jacob, one of the fathers of our faith, has a history of wrestling. From the moment he was in his mother’s womb he wrestled with his twin brother Esau. Later in life he lied and deceived his father to steal Esau’s birthright blessing. 20 years after […]

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Faith That Is Grieving

March 13, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Genesis 22:1-14 We look at the story of God’s call to Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. And we consider this story as a way to consider our own faith stories of Construction, Deconstruction, and Reconstruction.

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The God of Her-Story

March 6, 2022 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Genesis 16:6b-17 In the story of Hagar, we find the faithfulness of God to an enslaved, marginalized woman whom God sees in her affliction. Hagar becomes the first and only human, and the only woman to name God. God is the God who sees, the God who hears, […]

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The Mis-Education of the Christian

February 20, 2022 | Phil Allen, Jr. | Genesis 9:25-27 This message challenges our efforts to “deconstruct” our faith/theology through a brief look at Genesis 9:25-27, the so-called “Curse of Ham” passage, and the interpretive malpractice that many theologians engaged in hundreds of years ago. The interpretation of this passage was intended to justify the […]

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We’re Here For Our Blessing

February 13, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Genesis 12:1-3 We look at God’s promise to Abram in Genesis 12:1-3. And we see God promise to bless “todas las familias” on earth through it. In this sermon, we come to God as people inheriting this promise, seeking shalom in our world today.

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Receding Waters

February 6, 2022 | Inés Velásquez-McBryde | Genesis 8:1-14 The receding of the waters after the flood story serves as a kind of metaphor for the global pandemic from which we continue to emerge from. Like Noah, we have been in survival mode for a long time. The receding waters invite us into a time […]

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The Crossroads of Cain

January 30, 2022 | Bobby Harrison | Genesis 4:1-9 We look into the conversation between Cain and God in Genesis 4. And realize how often we find ourselves in this same in-between space. With sin beckoning us to fail, and God inviting us to do what is right.  

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