Sept 2021 Newsletter

Dear Familia & Friends,

Praying that this letter finds you healthy and safe in the midst of this Delta-variant season of the pandemic, even as our world continues to be ravaged by disease, wars, earthquakes, and simply so much sustained pain from so many sources. We are so honored that in the midst of it all, you believe in what The Church We Hope For is about. We believe God has hopes for this church to bring about shalom right where we are.

Here are some exciting updates:

Inés & Fuller Seminary:
I, Inés, officially stepped down from a 2-year position as Chaplain at Fuller Theological Seminary. In that role, I provided pastoral care for students, staff and faculty, not least of which during a global pandemic! It was a brutal and beautiful time of growth, leadership in a time of crisis, great camaraderie with the 2 other chaplains and a wonderful Chapel Team. I will not regret any minute of what the Spirit did in me and through me. As I discerned with my husband, Rob, as well as Bobby and Amy Harrison, we knew the time would come for me to step down and run full speed ahead to provide full-time visionary leadership for our iglesia! We anticipate catalytic collaboration, as both Bobby and I run full speed ahead in this next season of our church.

Going Through the Gospel as One Body:
This past month, our church finished a sermon series titled Among us: The Gospel of John we began all the way back in February! We recalled and recounted 28 sermons centered around the life, love and justice of Jesus from 6 different preachers including Bobby & Inés!

We also celebrated the inauguration of what we have lovingly called “Younger People’s Church” during our Sunday Zoom Living Room where Amy Harrison has been teaching our children the stories that would draw them to love and follow this Jesus in John!

Additionally, we heard 18, 5-minute Testimonios from people in our iglesia. Testimonios have become a central spiritual practice where each person becomes a teacher and owns their own story. It draws us closer to God and closer to each other as we are in pilgrimage together, even as our stories are undone. We say that at The Church We Hope for, the margins are our middle and these voices are central and authoritative.

Last Thing:
We are currently in the process of seeking and discerning a physical space to meet as a church. This is a move that would bring about many transitions in multiple ways. But as we sense the Spirit moving among us, we believe this is the next faithful step for our Body. Please be praying for God’s hand to guide us through this very new and yet long awaited part of the journey.

We could not do the work that we do, especially birthing a church during the pandemic, without friends who sustain us in faith and prayer. Familia, we need you to have hope on our behalf!

With love, grace and peace,

Pastora Inés and Pastor Bobby


  1. Robin Dieda says:

    I’m back from an annual water ski trip to the sierras with family, unfortunately missing 2 Sundays and the gathering you had last week! I’m timid but happy for the move toward returning to physical gathering! Like many I’m more shy after this pandemic season!
    Pastor Rob, if you could send me the sermon chat, there are good links and info I’d love.
    Thanks and blessings,

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