Prayer walking separately together

We took a walk today. Each from our own home. And as we walked, we looked, listened, and prayed. For our neighbors, our schools, our friends and our families. Un Camino Divina. And we are inviting you to join us.

So, grab your phone. Your earbuds. Some shoes. And as you take a walk around your neighborhood, let us lead you as we walked around ours.

Stretch your legs. And let your heart expand. To meet God’s. As we see all through the Scriptures, as we go, God meets us on the way.

Un Camino Divina. A divine walk.

Please remember that one way that we (Inés y Bobby) would like to be present to you and be present to God is by praying for you

How are YOU doing? How can we be praying for you in this new reality? It would be our honor to hold sacred space before our God in weekly intercession.

Submit your prayer requests here.

We may feel dis-membered, but you are re-membered. You are loved, familia!

Aquí estamos. We’re right here with you. Contigo. With you. Far, but near.


paz y gracia,

Pastors Inés y Bobby

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