No church this Sunday and tacos the next!


We are 9 days away from celebrating our Two Year Anniversary! Just typing that sentence feels like a whole story! What a journey we’ve been on together, friends! So many moments and memories. So many times we’ve experienced God draw us nearer in worship. So many testimonios told that resonate deeply within. So many words proclaimed that spoke truth in love in a way that our hearts and souls have long longed for. And more than anything, so many of you: real people with real stories of shared joys and hardships and healing and hope. Our true familia.

The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 2.8-9:
19 For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? 20 Indeed, you are our glory and joy.

That’s it, Paul. That’s it. Yes…YOU are our hope. You are our joy. You are the crown in which we will glory in God’s presence! We can’t wait to celebrate together in 9 days. But I didn’t want to miss this moment to just stop and thank you for making this church what it is. Who it is. It’s you. And us. All of us. Our true familia.

Two Important Updates:

First, a reminder we will not be having a church service this Sunday, September 4th. Reach out to friends and fam and find some time to share a table or a park or a beach or really anywhere with water, shade, and maybe some air conditioning, and enjoy one another’s company!

Second, we are planning to have a Taco Stand for our Two Year Anniversary Celebracion! We’re not playing around, y’all! Sunday, September 11th from 4-6 PM. We’re hoping to eat well together! So while tacos will be the main dish, we’re also inviting everyone to bring sides or salads or desserts to join in on the celebration. Got a favorite something something we all need to try? Bring it on! The more the merrier!

All that said, it’d be super helpful to get a headcount for our taco chefs. Please RSPV with this online form by this time next week!



All right, friends. Our hope and glory and joy! Have a wonderful weekend and we’ll see you soon!


Eaton Fires Update & Resources
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