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Inés and Bobby announce that were launching online Sept 13th

We’re Launching (online)! Sept 13th!

We got big news, y’all! We’re launching online September 13 with a Sunday Service over Zoom! Join us as we worship together for such a time as this! Sign up for our email newsletter using the form at the bottom right of the page and check House Gatherings to get...

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Rediscipling the White Church with Ines Velasquez-McBryde and Bobby Harrison

Church Planting During a Time of Racial Unrest

We sat down with our amigo y hermano, fellow pastor and reconciler, prophet and author Pastor David Swanson who recently published “Rediscipling the White Church.” He not only pastors a multiracial church in Chicago, but we share the same spiritual mentor and mother, Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil, in the work...

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Pastor Gail Song Bantum and Reverend Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil interview Pastora Ines and Pastor Bobby about their church plant during COVID 19

Bearing Witness

We are so grateful to Pastoras @GailSongBantum and @RevDocBrenda and our familia at Quest Church (@seattlequest) in Seattle. You all are a grace from God. Quest Church posted the following about the recent Zoom interview that serves to fill the gaps until we can all travel to Seattle to meet and update...

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Pastor Bobby leads a reflection on the children's book called Journey, by Aaron Becker

A Children’s Book to Awaken Our Imagination

Years ago, our family fell in love with this book. And I’m sharing it with you now because I believe a Journey through these pages could fan into flame some of those hopes and dreams we’ve had to let fade as of late. After you watch the book (Journey, by...

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Notes of encouragement to hospital chaplains

Loving Hospital Chaplains During COVID-19

The four gospel accounts give us the names of the women who had followed Jesus from Galilee (the beginning of his ministry) to the tomb (the perceived end of his ministry): María Magdalena, Mary the mother of James, Joanna, Salomé & other unnamed ones. They came in the early morning...

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TCWHF - camino divina blog post image

Prayer walking separately together

We took a walk today. Each from our own home. And as we walked, we looked, listened, and prayed. For our neighbors, our schools, our friends and our families. Un Camino Divina. And we are inviting you to join us. So, grab your phone. Your earbuds. Some shoes. And as...

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Prayer of reflection YouTube video

Prayer of Reflection

It has been a whirlwind of weeks. And perhaps you feel as dizzied and disoriented as we do. We knew we needed to center ourselves, and to invite others into a centering spiritual practice. So we collaborated side by side (virtually, cause: social distancing!), and created a prayer of reflection....

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Ines prays to close out the evening


No one would have believed that the last time we gathered to break bread and share communion together in January and February would have been the last time in an extended period of the new social distancing guidelines due to COVID-19.

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