Loving Hospital Chaplains During COVID-19

The four gospel accounts give us the names of the women who had followed Jesus from Galilee (the beginning of his ministry) to the tomb (the perceived end of his ministry): María Magdalena, Mary the mother of James, Joanna, Salomé & other unnamed ones. They came in the early morning on a risky mission: to be openly associated with this revolutionary of love killed by the Roman empire and to be near him even within the stench of death.

They came with traditional spices and perfumes to care for the body of their beloved friend. They had cared for him before his death and still now cared after his death with deep compassion.

These servant disciples made us think of those frontline servants that unselfishly serve those in the most dire situations during this coronavirus crisis. Daily taking risks to offer comfort, encouragement, and the ministry of presence when often words fail us in the face of sickness and death. Our friend Justin Nelson is a hospital chaplain at a local hospital, and we asked how we could encourage those he serves alongside. It wasn’t hard to jump on the opportunity with him as he asked for words of encouragement and a small art piece for the 10 other chaplains that are fatigued, weary and worried of bringing sickness back to their families.

Our offering may seem small, but we offer it in hopes that they would feel seen and loved by our small faith community. A small print from @morganharpernichols, a handwritten note, plus a couple of medical masks donated by our friend @martigurl.

May grace indeed meet us all in this wildness.

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