Looking toward the Fall

Dear familia,

Sometimes a picture says it all. The great, big, wide smiles, the bountiful shared tables, and the abounding joy throughout the room. Thank you, familia, for making our 2 Year Anniversary celebración so special! We won’t forget the feel of that room on Sunday! Nor will we forget surviving the bouncy house! For those of you brave enough to venture there!

As we turn our attention to this Sunday, we’ll have the joy of hearing from Pastora Inés as she walks us into Acts 9 in our sermon series, “Moved By The Spirit”. We believe it’s going to be a meaningful Sunday. And so we’re eager to worship together once again!

And as we look to the Fall, we’d love to continue to find more people willing to help in various ways throughout the church. Whether that’s with kids in Younger People’s Church, helping with Hospitality or the Greeting Team, or perhaps the Tech Crew or Set-up/Tear Down Squad. There are many ways to serve in this space as one Body. If you’re feeling led to pursue one (or more) of these areas, please fill out this form to let us know your areas of interest.

Lastly, we’re also looking to launch community groups of various sorts this Fall. If hosting or leading a group like that sounds like something you’d be interested in, email us and we’d love to get a conversation started!

May new life continue to arise among us and through us, church! Big smiles and shared tables and abounding joy. More and more, Lord!


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